API Reference

A Python implementation of PASETO/PASERK. <https://pyseto.readthedocs.io>

pyseto.encode(key: ~pyseto.key_interface.KeyInterface, payload: ~typing.Union[bytes, str, dict], footer: ~typing.Union[bytes, str] = b'', implicit_assertion: ~typing.Union[bytes, str] = b'', nonce: bytes = b'', serializer: ~typing.Any = <module 'json' from '/home/docs/.pyenv/versions/3.8.6/lib/python3.8/json/__init__.py'>, exp: int = 0) bytes[source]

Encodes a message to a PASETO token with a key for encryption or signing.

  • key (KeyInterface) – A key for encryption or signing.

  • payload (Union[bytes, str, dict]) – A message to be encrypted or signed.

  • footer (Union[bytes, str]) – A footer.

  • implicit_assertion (Union[bytes, str]) – An implicit assertion. It is only used in v3 or v4.

  • nonce (bytes) – A nonce. If omitted(it’s recommended), a nonce will be generated with secrets.token_bytes() internally. If you don’t want ot use secrets.token_bytes(), you can specify it via this parameter explicitly.

  • serializer (Any) – A serializer which is used when the type of payload is object. It must have a dumps() function to serialize the payload. Typically, you can use json or cbor2.

  • exp (int) – An expiration time (seconds) of the PASETO token. It will be set in the payload as the registered exp claim when serializer is json and this value > 0. If the value <= 0, the exp claim will not be set.


A PASETO token.

Return type


  • ValueError – Invalid arguments.

  • EncryptError – Failed to encrypt the message.

  • SignError – Failed to sign the message.

pyseto.decode(keys: Union[KeyInterface, List[KeyInterface]], token: Union[bytes, str], implicit_assertion: Union[bytes, str] = b'', deserializer: Optional[Any] = None, aud: str = '') Token[source]

Decodes a PASETO token with a key for decryption and/or verifying.

  • keys (KeyInterface) – A key for decryption or verifying the signature in the token.

  • token (Union[bytes, str]) – A PASETO token to be decrypted or verified.

  • implicit_assertion (Union[bytes, str]) – An implicit assertion. It is only used in v3 or v4.

  • deserializer (Optional[Any]) – A deserializer which is used when you want to deserialize a payload attribute in the response object. It must have a loads() function to deserialize the payload. Typically, you can use json or cbor2.

  • aud (str) – An audience claim value for the token verification. If deserializer=json and the payload of the token does not include an aud value that matches this value, the verification will fail.


A parsed PASETO token object.

Return type


  • ValueError – Invalid arguments.

  • DecryptError – Failed to decrypt the message.

  • VerifyError – Failed to verify the message.

class pyseto.Key[source]

Bases: object

Tha factory methods for PASETO keys.

classmethod new(version: int, purpose: str, key: Union[bytes, str] = b'') KeyInterface[source]

Constructor of a PASETO key object which has KeyInterface.

  • version (int) – The version of the key. It will be 1, 2, 3 or 4.

  • purpose (str) – The purpose of the key. It will be public or local.

  • key (Union[bytes, str]) – A key itself or keying material.


A PASETO key object.

Return type



ValueError – Invalid arguments.

classmethod from_paserk(paserk: str, wrapping_key: Union[bytes, str] = b'', password: Union[bytes, str] = b'', unsealing_key: Union[bytes, str] = b'') KeyInterface[source]

Generates a PASETO key object which has KeyInterface from PASERK.

  • paserk (str) – A PASERK string.

  • wrapping_key (Union[bytes, str]) – A wrapping key. If the wrapping_key is specified, password should not be specified.

  • password (Union[bytes, str]) – A password for key wrapping. If the password is specified, wrapping_key should not be specified.

  • unsealing_key (Union[bytes, str]) – A password for key wrapping. If the password is specified, wrapping_key should not be specified.


A PASETO key object.

Return type



ValueError – Invalid arguments.

static from_asymmetric_key_params(version: int, x: bytes = b'', y: bytes = b'', d: bytes = b'') KeyInterface[source]

Constructor of a PASETO key object which has KeyInterface wth asymmetric key parameters (x-coordinate, y-coordinate, and/or private key). This is intended to be used to generate keys for PASETO from JWK and other sources.

  • version (int) – The version of the key. It will be 1, 2, 3 or 4.

  • x (bytes) – The x coordinate of the key.

  • y (bytes) – The y coordinate of the key.

  • d (bytes) – The private key component of the key.


A PASETO key object.

Return type



ValueError – Invalid arguments.

class pyseto.KeyInterface(version: int, purpose: str, key: Any)[source]

Bases: object

The key interface class for PASETO.

pyseto.Key.new returns an object which has this interface.

property version: int

The version of the key. It will be 1, 2, 3 or 4.

property purpose: str

The purpose of the key. It will be "local" or "public".

property header: bytes

The header value for a PASETO token. It will be "v<version>.<purpose>.". For example, "v1.local.".

property is_secret: bool

If it is True, the key is a symmetric key or an asymmetric secret key.

to_paserk(wrapping_key: Union[bytes, str] = b'', password: Union[bytes, str] = b'', sealing_key: Union[bytes, str] = b'', iteration: int = 100000, memory_cost: int = 15360, time_cost: int = 2, parallelism: int = 1) str[source]

Returns the PASERK expression of the key.

  • wrapping_key (Union[bytes, str]) – A wrapping key to wrap the key. If the wrapping_key is specified, password should not be specified.

  • password (Union[bytes, str]) – A password to wrap the key. If the password is specified, wrapping_key should not be specified.

  • iteration (int) – An iteration count used for password-based key wrapping. This argument will only be used when the password is specified.

  • memory_cost (int) – Amount of memory to use for password-based key wrapping using argon2. This argument will only be used when the password is specified for v2/v4 key.

  • time_cost (int) – Number of iterations to perform for password-based key wrapping using argon2. This argument will only be used when the password is specified for v2/v4 key.

  • parallelism (int) – Degree of parallelism for password-based key wrapping using argon2. This argument will only be used when the password is specified for v2/v4 key.


A PASERK string.

Return type


  • ValueError – Invalid arguments.

  • EncryptError – Failed to wrap the key.

to_paserk_id() str[source]

Returns the PASERK ID of the key.


A PASERK ID string.

Return type


to_peer_paserk_id() str[source]

Returns the peer(public) PASERK ID of the key. It can be used only in case that the key is k2.secret or k4.secret.


A peer PASERK ID string. If the key is neither k2.secret nor

k4.secret, an empty string will be returned.

Return type


encrypt(payload: bytes, footer: bytes = b'', implicit_assertion: bytes = b'', nonce: bytes = b'') bytes[source]

Encrypts a message to a PASETO token with the key.

This function is calld in pyseto.encode so you don’t need to call it directly.

  • payload (bytes) – A message to be encrypted which will be the payload part of the PASETO token.

  • footer (bytes) – A footer.

  • implicit_assertion (Union[bytes, str]) – An implicit assertion. It is only used in v3 or v4.

  • nonce (bytes) – A nonce.


A PASETO token.

Return type


  • ValueError – Invalid arguments.

  • EncryptError – Failed to encrypt the message.

  • NotSupportedError – The key does not support the operation.

decrypt(payload: bytes, footer: bytes = b'', implicit_assertion: bytes = b'') bytes[source]

Decrypts an encrypted PASETO token with the key.

This function is calld in pyseto.decode so you don’t need to call it directly.

  • payload (bytes) – A message to be decrypted which is the payload part of the PASETO token.

  • footer (bytes) – A footer.

  • implicit_assertion (Union[bytes, str]) – An implicit assertion. It is only used in v3 or v4.


A dcrypted payload.

Return type


  • ValueError – Invalid arguments.

  • DecryptError – Failed to decrypt the message.

  • NotSupportedError – The key does not support the operation.

sign(payload: bytes, footer: bytes = b'', implicit_assertion: bytes = b'') bytes[source]

Signs a message with the key and makes a PASETO token.

This function is calld in pyseto.encode so you don’t need to call it directly.

  • payload (bytes) – A message to be signed and encoded which will be the payload part of the PASETO token.

  • footer (bytes) – A footer.

  • implicit_assertion (Union[bytes, str]) – An implicit assertion. It is only used in v3 or v4.

  • nonce (bytes) – A nonce.


A PASETO token.

Return type


verify(payload: bytes, footer: bytes = b'', implicit_assertion: bytes = b'') bytes[source]

Verifies and decodes a signed PASETO token with the key.

This function is calld in pyseto.decode so you don’t need to call it directly.

  • payload (bytes) – A message to be verified and decoded which is the payload part of the PASETO token.

  • footer (bytes) – A footer.

  • implicit_assertion (Union[bytes, str]) – An implicit assertion. It is only used in v3 or v4.


A verified and decoded payload.

Return type


class pyseto.Paseto(exp: int = 0, include_iat: bool = False, leeway: int = 0)[source]

Bases: object

A PASETO processor which can be used as a PASETO encoder/decoder.

classmethod new(exp: int = 0, include_iat: bool = False, leeway: int = 0)[source]

Constructor of PASETO processor.

  • exp (int) – A default expiration time (seconds) of PASETO tokens. It will be set in the payload as the registered exp claim when calling encode() with serializer=``json`` and this value > 0. If the value <= 0, the exp claim will not be set. In addition, this value can be overwritten by the exp parameter of encode(). The default value is 0.

  • include_iat (bool) – If this value is True, PASETO tokens which are created through encode() include an iat claim when calling encode() with serializer=``json``. The default value is False.

  • leeway (int) – The leeway in seconds for validating exp and nbf. The default value is 0.


A PASETO processor object.

Return type


encode(key: ~pyseto.key_interface.KeyInterface, payload: ~typing.Union[bytes, str, dict], footer: ~typing.Union[bytes, str, dict] = b'', implicit_assertion: ~typing.Union[bytes, str] = b'', nonce: bytes = b'', serializer: ~typing.Any = <module 'json' from '/home/docs/.pyenv/versions/3.8.6/lib/python3.8/json/__init__.py'>, exp: int = 0) bytes[source]

Encodes a message to a PASETO token with a key for encryption or signing.

  • key (KeyInterface) – A key for encryption or signing.

  • payload (Union[bytes, str, dict]) – A message to be encrypted or signed.

  • footer (Union[bytes, str, dict]) – A footer.

  • implicit_assertion (Union[bytes, str]) – An implicit assertion. It is only used in v3 or v4.

  • nonce (bytes) – A nonce. If omitted(it’s recommended), a nonce will be generated with secrets.token_bytes() internally. If you don’t want ot use secrets.token_bytes(), you can specify it via this parameter explicitly.

  • serializer (Any) – A serializer which is used when the type of payload and/or footer is dict. It must have a dumps() function to serialize the payload. Typically, you can use json or cbor2.

  • exp (int) – An expiration time (seconds) of the PASETO token. It will be set in the payload as the registered exp claim when serializer is json and this value > 0. If the value <= 0, the exp claim will not be set.


A PASETO token.

Return type


  • ValueError – Invalid arguments.

  • EncryptError – Failed to encrypt the message.

  • SignError – Failed to sign the message.

decode(keys: Union[KeyInterface, List[KeyInterface]], token: Union[bytes, str], implicit_assertion: Union[bytes, str] = b'', deserializer: Optional[Any] = None, aud: str = '') Token[source]

Decodes a PASETO token with a key for decryption and/or verifying.

  • keys (KeyInterface) – A key for decryption or verifying the signature in the token.

  • token (Union[bytes, str]) – A PASETO token to be decrypted or verified.

  • implicit_assertion (Union[bytes, str]) – An implicit assertion. It is only used in v3 or v4.

  • deserializer (Optional[Any]) – A deserializer which is used when you want to deserialize a payload attribute in the response object. It must have a loads() function to deserialize the payload. Typically, you can use json or cbor2.

  • aud (str) – An audience claim value for the token verification. If deserializer=json and the payload of the token does not include an aud value that matches this value, the verification will fail.


A parsed PASETO token object.

Return type


  • ValueError – Invalid arguments.

  • DecryptError – Failed to decrypt the message.

  • VerifyError – Failed to verify the message.

exception pyseto.PysetoError[source]

Bases: Exception

Base class for all exceptions.

class pyseto.Token(version: str, purpose: str, payload: Union[bytes, dict], footer: Union[bytes, dict] = b'')[source]

Bases: object

The parsed token object which is a return value of pyseto.decode.

classmethod new(token: Union[bytes, str])[source]
property version: str

The version of the token. It will be "v1", "v2", "v3" or "v4".

property purpose: str

The purpose of the token. It will be "local" or "public".

property header: bytes

The header of the token. It will be "<version>.<type>.". For example, "v1.local.".

property payload: Union[bytes, dict]

The payload of the token which is a decoded binary string. It’s not Base64 encoded data.

property footer: Union[bytes, dict]

The footer of the token which is a decoded binary string. It’s not Base64 encoded data.

exception pyseto.DecryptError[source]

Bases: PysetoError

An Exception occurred when an decryption process failed.

exception pyseto.EncryptError[source]

Bases: PysetoError

An Exception occurred when an encryption process failed.

exception pyseto.NotSupportedError[source]

Bases: PysetoError

An Exception occurred when the function is not supported for the key object.

exception pyseto.SignError[source]

Bases: PysetoError

An Exception occurred when a signing process failed.

exception pyseto.VerifyError[source]

Bases: PysetoError

An Exception occurred when a verification process failed.

class pyseto.key_interface.KeyInterface(version: int, purpose: str, key: Any)[source]

Bases: object

The key interface class for PASETO.

pyseto.Key.new returns an object which has this interface.

property version: int

The version of the key. It will be 1, 2, 3 or 4.

property purpose: str

The purpose of the key. It will be "local" or "public".

property header: bytes

The header value for a PASETO token. It will be "v<version>.<purpose>.". For example, "v1.local.".

property is_secret: bool

If it is True, the key is a symmetric key or an asymmetric secret key.

to_paserk(wrapping_key: Union[bytes, str] = b'', password: Union[bytes, str] = b'', sealing_key: Union[bytes, str] = b'', iteration: int = 100000, memory_cost: int = 15360, time_cost: int = 2, parallelism: int = 1) str[source]

Returns the PASERK expression of the key.

  • wrapping_key (Union[bytes, str]) – A wrapping key to wrap the key. If the wrapping_key is specified, password should not be specified.

  • password (Union[bytes, str]) – A password to wrap the key. If the password is specified, wrapping_key should not be specified.

  • iteration (int) – An iteration count used for password-based key wrapping. This argument will only be used when the password is specified.

  • memory_cost (int) – Amount of memory to use for password-based key wrapping using argon2. This argument will only be used when the password is specified for v2/v4 key.

  • time_cost (int) – Number of iterations to perform for password-based key wrapping using argon2. This argument will only be used when the password is specified for v2/v4 key.

  • parallelism (int) – Degree of parallelism for password-based key wrapping using argon2. This argument will only be used when the password is specified for v2/v4 key.


A PASERK string.

Return type


  • ValueError – Invalid arguments.

  • EncryptError – Failed to wrap the key.

to_paserk_id() str[source]

Returns the PASERK ID of the key.


A PASERK ID string.

Return type


to_peer_paserk_id() str[source]

Returns the peer(public) PASERK ID of the key. It can be used only in case that the key is k2.secret or k4.secret.


A peer PASERK ID string. If the key is neither k2.secret nor

k4.secret, an empty string will be returned.

Return type


encrypt(payload: bytes, footer: bytes = b'', implicit_assertion: bytes = b'', nonce: bytes = b'') bytes[source]

Encrypts a message to a PASETO token with the key.

This function is calld in pyseto.encode so you don’t need to call it directly.

  • payload (bytes) – A message to be encrypted which will be the payload part of the PASETO token.

  • footer (bytes) – A footer.

  • implicit_assertion (Union[bytes, str]) – An implicit assertion. It is only used in v3 or v4.

  • nonce (bytes) – A nonce.


A PASETO token.

Return type


  • ValueError – Invalid arguments.

  • EncryptError – Failed to encrypt the message.

  • NotSupportedError – The key does not support the operation.

decrypt(payload: bytes, footer: bytes = b'', implicit_assertion: bytes = b'') bytes[source]

Decrypts an encrypted PASETO token with the key.

This function is calld in pyseto.decode so you don’t need to call it directly.

  • payload (bytes) – A message to be decrypted which is the payload part of the PASETO token.

  • footer (bytes) – A footer.

  • implicit_assertion (Union[bytes, str]) – An implicit assertion. It is only used in v3 or v4.


A dcrypted payload.

Return type


  • ValueError – Invalid arguments.

  • DecryptError – Failed to decrypt the message.

  • NotSupportedError – The key does not support the operation.

sign(payload: bytes, footer: bytes = b'', implicit_assertion: bytes = b'') bytes[source]

Signs a message with the key and makes a PASETO token.

This function is calld in pyseto.encode so you don’t need to call it directly.

  • payload (bytes) – A message to be signed and encoded which will be the payload part of the PASETO token.

  • footer (bytes) – A footer.

  • implicit_assertion (Union[bytes, str]) – An implicit assertion. It is only used in v3 or v4.

  • nonce (bytes) – A nonce.


A PASETO token.

Return type


verify(payload: bytes, footer: bytes = b'', implicit_assertion: bytes = b'') bytes[source]

Verifies and decodes a signed PASETO token with the key.

This function is calld in pyseto.decode so you don’t need to call it directly.

  • payload (bytes) – A message to be verified and decoded which is the payload part of the PASETO token.

  • footer (bytes) – A footer.

  • implicit_assertion (Union[bytes, str]) – An implicit assertion. It is only used in v3 or v4.


A verified and decoded payload.

Return type


class pyseto.token.Token(version: str, purpose: str, payload: Union[bytes, dict], footer: Union[bytes, dict] = b'')[source]

Bases: object

The parsed token object which is a return value of pyseto.decode.

classmethod new(token: Union[bytes, str])[source]
property version: str

The version of the token. It will be "v1", "v2", "v3" or "v4".

property purpose: str

The purpose of the token. It will be "local" or "public".

property header: bytes

The header of the token. It will be "<version>.<type>.". For example, "v1.local.".

property payload: Union[bytes, dict]

The payload of the token which is a decoded binary string. It’s not Base64 encoded data.

property footer: Union[bytes, dict]

The footer of the token which is a decoded binary string. It’s not Base64 encoded data.