Source code for pyseto.paseto

import json
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Union

import iso8601

from .exceptions import VerifyError
from .key_interface import KeyInterface
from .token import Token
from .utils import base64url_encode

[docs]class Paseto(object): """ A PASETO processor which can be used as a PASETO encoder/decoder. """ def __init__( self, exp: int = 0, include_iat: bool = False, leeway: int = 0, ): self._exp = exp self._include_iat = include_iat self._leeway = leeway return
[docs] @classmethod def new( cls, exp: int = 0, include_iat: bool = False, leeway: int = 0, ): """ Constructor of PASETO processor. Args: exp (int): A default expiration time (seconds) of PASETO tokens. It will be set in the payload as the registered ``exp`` claim when calling ``encode()`` with serializer=``json`` and this value > ``0``. If the value <= ``0``, the ``exp`` claim will not be set. In addition, this value can be overwritten by the ``exp`` parameter of ``encode()``. The default value is ``0``. include_iat (bool): If this value is ``True``, PASETO tokens which are created through ``encode()`` include an ``iat`` claim when calling ``encode()`` with serializer=``json``. The default value is ``False``. leeway (int): The leeway in seconds for validating ``exp`` and ``nbf``. The default value is ``0``. Returns: bytes: A PASETO processor object. """ return cls(exp, include_iat, leeway)
[docs] def encode( self, key: KeyInterface, payload: Union[bytes, str, dict], footer: Union[bytes, str, dict] = b"", implicit_assertion: Union[bytes, str] = b"", nonce: bytes = b"", serializer: Any = json, exp: int = 0, ) -> bytes: """ Encodes a message to a PASETO token with a key for encryption or signing. Args: key (KeyInterface): A key for encryption or signing. payload (Union[bytes, str, dict]): A message to be encrypted or signed. footer (Union[bytes, str, dict]): A footer. implicit_assertion (Union[bytes, str]): An implicit assertion. It is only used in ``v3`` or ``v4``. nonce (bytes): A nonce. If omitted(it's recommended), a nonce will be generated with ``secrets.token_bytes()`` internally. If you don't want ot use ``secrets.token_bytes()``, you can specify it via this parameter explicitly. serializer (Any): A serializer which is used when the type of ``payload`` and/or ``footer`` is ``dict``. It must have a ``dumps()`` function to serialize the payload. Typically, you can use ``json`` or ``cbor2``. exp (int): An expiration time (seconds) of the PASETO token. It will be set in the payload as the registered ``exp`` claim when serializer is ``json`` and this value > ``0``. If the value <= ``0``, the ``exp`` claim will not be set. Returns: bytes: A PASETO token. Raise: ValueError: Invalid arguments. EncryptError: Failed to encrypt the message. SignError: Failed to sign the message. """ if not isinstance(payload, (bytes, str, dict)): raise ValueError("payload should be bytes, str or dict.") bp: bytes if isinstance(payload, dict): if not serializer: raise ValueError( "serializer should be specified for the payload object." ) try: if not callable(serializer.dumps): raise ValueError("serializer should have dumps().") except AttributeError: raise ValueError("serializer should have dumps().") except Exception: raise try: payload = self._set_registered_claims(payload, exp) bp = serializer.dumps(payload).encode("utf-8") except Exception as err: raise ValueError("Failed to serialize the payload.") from err else: bp = payload if isinstance(payload, bytes) else payload.encode("utf-8") bf: bytes if isinstance(footer, dict): if not serializer: raise ValueError( "serializer should be specified for the footer object." ) try: if not callable(serializer.dumps): raise ValueError("serializer should have dumps().") except AttributeError: raise ValueError("serializer should have dumps().") except Exception: raise try: bf = serializer.dumps(footer).encode("utf-8") except Exception as err: raise ValueError("Failed to serialize the footer.") from err else: bf = footer if isinstance(footer, bytes) else footer.encode("utf-8") bi = ( implicit_assertion if isinstance(implicit_assertion, bytes) else implicit_assertion.encode("utf-8") ) if key.purpose == "local": return key.encrypt(bp, bf, bi, nonce) sig = key.sign(bp, bf, bi) token = key.header + base64url_encode(bp + sig) if bf: token += b"." + base64url_encode(bf) return token
[docs] def decode( self, keys: Union[KeyInterface, List[KeyInterface]], token: Union[bytes, str], implicit_assertion: Union[bytes, str] = b"", deserializer: Optional[Any] = None, aud: str = "", ) -> Token: """ Decodes a PASETO token with a key for decryption and/or verifying. Args: keys (KeyInterface): A key for decryption or verifying the signature in the token. token (Union[bytes, str]): A PASETO token to be decrypted or verified. implicit_assertion (Union[bytes, str]): An implicit assertion. It is only used in ``v3`` or ``v4``. deserializer (Optional[Any]): A deserializer which is used when you want to deserialize a ``payload`` attribute in the response object. It must have a ``loads()`` function to deserialize the payload. Typically, you can use ``json`` or ``cbor2``. aud (str): An audience claim value for the token verification. If ``deserializer=json`` and the payload of the token does not include an ``aud`` value that matches this value, the verification will fail. Returns: Token: A parsed PASETO token object. Raise: ValueError: Invalid arguments. DecryptError: Failed to decrypt the message. VerifyError: Failed to verify the message. """ if deserializer: try: if not callable(deserializer.loads): raise ValueError("deserializer should have loads().") except AttributeError: raise ValueError("deserializer should have loads().") except Exception: raise keys = keys if isinstance(keys, list) else [keys] bi = ( implicit_assertion if isinstance(implicit_assertion, bytes) else implicit_assertion.encode("utf-8") ) failed = None t = for k in keys: if k.header != t.header: continue try: if k.purpose == "local": t.payload = k.decrypt(t.payload, t.footer, bi) return t t.payload = k.verify(t.payload, t.footer, bi) try: if deserializer: t.payload = deserializer.loads(t.payload) except Exception as err: raise ValueError("Failed to deserialize the payload.") from err if deserializer: try: if t.footer: t.footer = deserializer.loads(t.footer) except Exception: pass self._verify_registered_claims(t.payload, aud) return t except Exception as err: failed = err if failed: raise failed raise ValueError("key is not found for verifying the token.")
def _set_registered_claims(self, claims: dict, exp: int) -> dict: now = # exp if exp > 0: claims["exp"] = (now + timedelta(seconds=exp)).isoformat(timespec="seconds") elif self._exp > 0: claims["exp"] = (now + timedelta(seconds=self._exp)).isoformat( timespec="seconds" ) # iat if self._include_iat: claims["iat"] = now.isoformat(timespec="seconds") return claims def _verify_registered_claims(self, claims: dict, aud: str): now = iso8601.parse_date("seconds") ) # In Python 3.7 or later, the following code can be used: # now = datetime.fromisoformat( #"seconds") # ) if "exp" in claims: try: exp = iso8601.parse_date(claims["exp"]) except Exception as err: raise VerifyError("Invalid exp.") from err if now > exp + timedelta(seconds=self._leeway): raise VerifyError("Token expired.") if "nbf" in claims: try: nbf = iso8601.parse_date(claims["nbf"]) except Exception as err: raise VerifyError("Invalid nbf.") from err if now < nbf - timedelta(seconds=self._leeway): raise VerifyError("Token has not been activated yet.") if aud: if "aud" not in claims or aud != claims["aud"]: raise VerifyError("aud verification failed.") return